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Online Courses

We offer a wide range of courses for all ages and levels.

Personal Teacher

You can choose an individual study plan for better focus.

Powerful Program

Our programs are up-to-date with prevailing practices.


CELTA Fully Online Part-time Course

Mixed Mode Part time.

Benefit from a personalized F2F with a flexible Online schedule 

CELTA Fully Online Part-time Course

Get Certified and meet International ELT professionals from your house

From Africa to Africa

African nations are, generally speaking, closer to other African nations, and that geographic proximity is a resource for its people. Coordination is key for Africa’s future, and coordination requires communication. It is in this essential area that English for Africa can help to play a role.

Pre-service English Teachers

For pre-service teachers, or teachers who want a firmer grounding in communicative techniques and an internationally recognized certificate, EfA offers the Cambridge CELTA course.


ELT Institutions

For in-service teachers and institutions, we offer a comprehensive list of courses and workshops, as well as in-house training services tailored to your teachers’ needs. For flexible training needs, we also offer distance training solutions using teacher-filmed lessons for observations and forum discussion-based feedback.

Needs Analysis

If you’re not sure which courses are most suitable for your teachers, EfA will conduct a needs analysis to help you find out


A CELTA course for Africa


We believe that the student-centered, communicative approach to teaching endorsed by Cambridge English is extremely well-suited to Moroccan culture, which highly values group interactions, and places a premium on team work as well as individual self-expression. This is why English for Africa has placed the CELTA course at the center of its course offering.

Over twenty-five years in the teaching and training classroom have enabled us to provide numerous other courses as well. In addition to the courses below, you’ll find a complete list and course descriptions on our Courses and Workshops page.

Some EfA workshops and short courses

Our Subjects

EFA upcoming courses for 2023 / 2024

Language Learning


What our students say

I’ve heard a lot about English for Africa. Its staff members, how friendly everyone is, how qualified the trainers are, how supportive.
They’ve told me so many good things, so much so that I could not have possibly chosen any other place, and I am glad I did it. 



Mixed Mode

So they told me, Inas, you’ve become more academic, you’ve become more professional… It worked…! And so they promoted me to be a lead teacher… And then by the end of the year they started telling me, Inas, your performance was great, so we are going to promote you to be a subject coordinator. 



Fully Online

My experience undergoing the training with Mr. Oummih and the other tutors, has been truly amazing. The hospitality extended to me was immense, and I am grateful for the opportunity to have received the  training in Meknes. I can confidently say that I am not disappointed at all; in fact, it was a great experience..




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