Content and format
Our DELTA Module 1 preparation course is a fully online part-time course, with weekly synchronous sessions (meetings with the trainer and the other candidates) on the weekend.
This is a 10-week course with weekly sets of exam practice. Each set receives detailed personalized written feedback from the trainer, including suggestions for development and tips on how to improve performance on the exam. Candidates have a chance to implement these suggestions by practicing the same tasks again in order to check their progress.
In addition to this, candidates are supported and given the opportunity to present research on specific topics to the rest of the group.
Synchronous (live) input takes place every weekend, broken down into three 1-hour sessions.
Session one: We will troubleshoot issues from previous practices and / or set up upcoming practice tasks, providing tips and strategies for approaching the tasks.
Session two: The focus here is on specific exam tasks and strategies.
Session three: We finish up with a workshop in which course participants present and receive feedback on their research.
Fill out the application form and the pre-interview task and send it to
or contact us: at, or +212680542220.